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Live Free & Fulfilled! For the Busy Entrepreneurial-Minded Professional Who Wants to Break Free From Burnout and Live a Life You Love (even if you've been stressing and striving for years.)

Whether life is good or life feels hard, you CAN make it extraordinary. When I was 30, my life came crashing down- a betrayal, a divorce, thousands of dollars of debt, working long hours, and moving back into my parents’ house. And the cold hard truth I realized was I failed at a life I didn’t even want.

I never chased my REAL dreams because I was afraid life would come crashing down. But it came crashing down anyway, and that was a wakeup call. Right when I was sitting in the pile of rubble that was my former life, I met a woman that seemed to know everything about transforming results. I hired her as my mentor, even though I was scared and had never invested in myself like that before.

I soaked up everything she taught me, and just like that, my life and my business began to transform.

I discovered that my push-and-claw-my-way-to-results way of doing things was actually OPPOSITE of how success occurs, and that by playing small and not taking risks I had actually set myself up for failure.

The best part? It was actually easier and more fun than I could have imagined. I built a $2 million dollar business with more ease than I had on a teacher's salary. On Thursday, you're going to learn exactly what you need to be successful, free AND fulfilled. Be there at 11am Pacific sharp because we're going to jump right in.

Click here now to register for FREE

Can’t wait to see you there!

Earlier Event: September 10
An Evening with Mary Morrissey